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Film and Beyond

Oct 29, 2018

Rudy is an all around creative from Minnesota, and Kendra is an actress hailing from Wisconsin. Both now live in Minnesota. We discuss the #metoo movement and the life of being an indie film actor in Minnesota.
Music courtesy of Ephedream / Geodesique

Oct 19, 2018

Matt Cici is the Twin Cities film festival's education director. But he's also a filmmaker and has had experience in acting and is an advocate for education in mental health. We learn about the man behind the education program.
Music courtesy of Ephedream / Geodesique

Oct 15, 2018

Jennifer Kelzenberg, was a dancer for the North Stars and is an actress from Minnesota. She has balanced family and life as an actress here in Minnesota.

Music courtesy of Ephedream / Geodesique

Oct 1, 2018

Gabi Del Moral is an actress hailing from Venezuela, a woman who can swim with the sharks, literally. We discuss her odyssey back to her passion, acting.
Music courtesy of Ephedream / Geodesique